Lunar Launch Labs

Lunar Launch Labs

When Lunar Launch Labs approached me with a clean slate for their design system, the challenge was not just to create a set of UI components, but to infuse life and functionality into each element. Creating the Cronus Component Kit from scratch was a journey of meticulous detail and creative problem-solving.

The Cronus UI kit required a surplus of over 50 individual screens and screen states. For example, what happens when a new user needs to sign up for an account? What options do they have? What does it look like if they forget their password? All of the screens needed to be laid out in a logical way, where developers could quickly scan to find the right user flows.

The Design Approach

I started with key components, shaping a visual language that was both scalable and consistent. The aim was to make each button, chip, and label not just visually appealing, but also functionally intuitive.

Interaction States

Each state was created to guide users effortlessly through their journey—active states for engagement, hover cues for potential interaction, selected states for clarity of choice, and disabled states to indicate non-interactive elements.

Practical Insights

  • Keep It Simple: Begin with the most utilized components to set your design's foundation.

  • Be Consistent: Maintain uniformity in how components respond to user interaction.

  • Accessibility Focus: Design every state with accessibility in mind, ensuring usability for all.

The Cronus Component Kit is a reflection of a design philosophy that prioritizes user experience and functionality. It's a toolkit designed for ease and efficiency, supporting Lunar Launch Labs in creating compelling digital experiences.